Before we actually get into the different brands in the running for the best laptop bag that we have on our Top Ten Laptop Bags list, let us first cover how we can select the best bag that will carry our laptop. There are several options and manufacturers, both international and domestic, but only a few of them actually offer products of good quality so you have to be a little cautious when choosing these bags. Remember that the most important purpose for these bags is to give your laptop the protection that it needs. And I know from experience how the wrong bag can cause an expensive accident.
When you are considering one of these bags there are few points that you should consider such as how you intend to use the bag. For example, are you are going to use it everyday and how many items you intend to carry in it. Once you have all of this figured out you can then decide the dimensions of the bag for carrying your laptop. You should also pay attention to the weight of the laptop bag and the kind of material that it is made from during the decision making process.
Let us look at three factors that you should consider in buying the best laptop bag for you:
Weight of both the backpack and laptop
It is no secret that many available laptops these days are very heavy so try not to buy a heavy bag as it will only compound the weight you are carrying around with you. And I know from personal experience that this can cause quite a strain on your back, neck and shoulders. The good news is that bags made from a variety of traditional and new materials that are available in the market. These materials are very light and are durable too. Polyester, canvas, leather and ballistic nylon are some of the other materials that are used to make these bags.
Make sure that the bag has padded compartments for extra safety
It does not matter if you carry your laptop to college or on an airplane just make sure that the laptop bag has padded compartments. You should select a bag that has a separate compartment for the laptop and a separate compartment for carrying important documents. A few other compartments for cords and miscellaneous items will come in handy. I know that mine has a total of 9 compartments and I use them all!

Choosing a bag that is resistant to water is a must. You would not want any water to get into your laptop and cause damage. The top 10 laptop bags in the market are made from a wide variety of materials such as Duralite, Microfiber, vinyl and Nappa leather. And while many of the top bags are not waterproof, most provide a reasonable mount of water resistance.
Here is a list of our Top 9 laptop bags or computer bags (we tried to make it 10 but couldn’t decide….) . Now you can choose which is the best laptop bag for you and your computer:
Osprey Nebula 34 Backpack

This laptop bag has been termed one of the best to be released in the market and has also become a hot favorite with all the customers. The bag is not only durable but very spacious too. The bag comes with compression straps that help to hold things together. In fact if you are the kind of person that travels with a laptop often you should definitely consider this one as a top choice!
Topo x Woolrich Rover Pack

This bag is handmade in the USA and boasts an exceptionally high quality. The bag is not only impressive with its magnificent appearance but it has features that most people look for in the best laptop bag. The main compartment that stores the laptop is made using Cordua fabric. This compartment is well padded to provide maximum protection to your laptop.
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Incase EO Hardshell Roller

If you are looking for maximum protection for your laptop, this bag is just perfect for you. The front of the bag is made from Polycarbonate which adds to the strength of the bag. Not only can you carry your laptop in this bag but you can pack things for a short trip too. The bag is definitely one of the top bags in terms of quality and is worth the money you spend on it.
Paul Smith Backpack

Not only does this bag rank high in terms of quality but the print on the bag increases its appeal by leaps and bounds. This bag is perfect for a 13 inch laptop and it comes with an extra padded compartment. The bag has shoulder straps that can be adjusted without any problem. This bag is expensive but if you are looking for high quality then this bag definitely ought to be considered.
Ally Capellino Superlight Satchel
If you own a 15 inch laptop this is one laptop bag to definitely consider. The best part is that all the linings and zips in the bag are highly water resistant. The bag also has additional pockets for your phones and tablets. The base of the bag is made of pure leather which adds to the durability of the bag.

Herschel Parkgate Backpack

If you like packing additional gear along with your laptop then this is the bag that you should buy. The bag has two big compartments to fulfill your requirements. The bag has many pockets inside for you to store your cables. The straps on this bag are made of mesh and are very comfortable.
Incase Icon Compact Backpack

This backpack is very good not only from the appearance point of view but the quality is great too. This backpack is just perfect for those who have a 15 inch laptop.
Bluelounge Backpack

The material of these backpacks are made from recycled plastic bottles. So you are being environmentally correct as well with this bag! People who own 17 inch laptops can go for this bag. This bag is equipped with additional pockets so that you can store your tablet and phone in it too. They’ve got a couple of styles to check out if you are interested in this one!
Cocoon 13-inch Briefcase

Now for all you young working professionals who love to carry around a host of electronic gadgets along with your laptop, this bag will fulfill your requirements. The bag has a spacious compartment where you can store your 13 inch laptop and you also have another compartment where you can store a tablet that measures up to 10 inches. The bag is made from water resistant nylon.
So in our review of laptop bags for 2015, these are the top 9 choices that are the winners in the best laptop bags that we found. With the varying price points of these bags, you are sure to find one that will work for your computer brand and needs.
If you have one of these bags, share with us and let us know how it’s working out in the comments below.