How to Keep a MacBook Laptop Secure

Any time that you are paying for a new laptop, it’s going to be a costly purchase in your budget that month!  And the Apple brand of laptops and computers are extremely expensive when compared to some other more affordable or budget rated models. In fact, they cost nearly twice as much as Dell or Hewlett Packard depending upon which ones you apple official logochoose to compare of course. For many, it seems that the extra cost is worth it, because you receive quality, along with superior customer service. When you invest your hard-earned money in a Mac laptop, you want to be ensured of its longevity and speed. The only way to do this is with proper care. That’s why we’ve got several tips that you ought to consider implementing to make you’re your machine stays performing at the same level as when you got it from the store!

Tips to Secure and Improve Your MacBook Performance

Keep All Drinks and Liquids Away from Your Machine

If you are like most people, you spend a lot of your time in front of a computer screen. This means you are probably accustomed to eating and drinking while using your computer.  Can you name ANYONE that hasn’t done that? However, to avoid any spills or issues with your Mac laptop, you should never place liquids anywhere near it. Liquids are a computer’s worst nightmare, as they can damage its internal micro-electric components. Your best bet will be to avoid drinking any type of beverage, when you are using your laptop or at a minimum, making sure that the glass or bottle is away from your screen and keyboard when you do.

Apple MacBook AirShut It Down Regularly

If you leave your computer running throughout the day and night, it is eventually going to become bogged down. It is important to realize that your computer needs just as much sleep as you do. By giving it a quick reboot, you’ll be able to give it a restart with all of its resources. All of the programs will be closed and the computer will be refreshed. This is a great way to give your computer a performance boost and it can also help to maintain the lifespan of your laptop.  So at the end of the day, rather than just walking away or closing the top, actually do a shut down of the machine so that it can rest when you do.

Be Cautious of Viruses

Best Free Antivirus ProgramsMacs might be safer than Windows computers when it comes to getting viruses, but they are still vulnerable to some viruses. It is in your best interest to familiarize yourself with your laptop’s vulnerabilities. You need to know how to prevent these dangerous programs from being downloaded to your computer. And if you’ve been following the news over the last year or so, you’ve definitely seen that not only are big corporations being attacked, individual computers are as well. So, you should also know how to remove them. A little preventative learning and as much knowledge as possible, so you’ll be ready to fix any problem that comes your way. Learning how to remove advanced Mac cleaner and other viruses is vital for maintaining the longevity of your computer. With this type of help, you’ll be better prepared to prevent your computer from being destroyed by malicious software or viruses in the months or years ahead.

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Avoid Battery Death

It is absolutely critical to keep a close eye on your laptop’s battery. The battery provides you with an amazing amount of freedom to be on the road with your laptop, but you need to treat it with respect and kindness. If you allow your battery to die, you’re taking a huge risk. The crash could cause serious harm to your computer and it might even cause you to lose your pertinent files. Always keep a close eye on your battery’s life and be sure that it does not die completely. If you let it die too often, you may be forced to buy a new computer before you know it.  I ran into this issue with my MacBook this winter and I’m currently looking to get a new battery for the machine and see what we can restore or if I’ve lost files or apps.

Protect Your Laptop

It is always a good idea to get a laptop bag for your computer. Even if you think of yourself as careful, there is still a chance that you’re going to drop your computer at some point in time – many of us have! A laptop bag will help you decrease the risks, while also adding a little padding to the computer. It could help prevent your computer from being busted in the event of a drop.


Whether you purchased a new or used Mac laptop, you might want to explore what the cost of insurance would be for your new gadget? Theft, damage or other issues might mean that you have a costly replacement on your hands that you weren’t anticipating one month.   That’s where insurance can help cover some or all of the replacement cost for you.  Another tip is to check and see what your homeowners or renter’s insurance covers?  Depending upon your policy and the company that you are insured by, that might be all that you need!  Though it is important to check carefully as some companies have started to eliminate some electronics from coverage based on use and policy coverage levels.

While there are a ton of popular laptop brands and models on the market, Apple’s mac products are definitely a very popular option.  And implementing these tips to keep your new computer safe and secure can make all the difference in how long you have your machine and what state it remains in after purchase!

Have you ever lost, had a laptop stolen or spilled a drink on your laptop?  Let us know in the comments below any stories that you have to share!

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